2023 Champion of Champions
Champion of Champions

2023 Champion of Champions
Sponsored by The Lake of Menteith
My Fishing Flies
Glencairn Crystal
Life Technologies
Angus Angling
McLanachan Transport Ltd

Champion of Champions
Lake of Menteith
6th October 2023
Sponsored by The Lake of Menteith, Snowbee, My Fishing Flies, Glencairn Crystal, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Angus Angling and McLanachan Transport Ltd
The Scottish Club Championship and Champion of Champions drew to a close on Friday 6th October 2023 at the Lake of Menteith when sixty competitors fished to be crowned the Champion of Champions 2023. The top six anglers from each of the ten Saturday night heats of the Scottish Club Championship qualify for the Champion of Champions. Should any angler be unable to take up his spot then the seventh angler from that heat is offered the place. The match is fished to a two fish kill followed by catch and release with 2lb being awarded for each returned fish. Heavy fish were capped at 4lb.
The competitors started arriving at 7.30am and there were a few concerned faces when they saw the strength of the westerly wind that was pushing the waves onto the beach. Fortunately by 9am the wind had dropped to a safe level and it continued to drop throughout the day and by early afternoon conditions were near perfect. The competitors took full advantage of the conditions and netted a total of 339 trout for 729lb 13.4oz. There were around six fish brought to the scales that were over 4lb with the heaviest being around 5lb 8oz..
Top rod on the day and the Champion of Champions for 2023 with 12 fish for 28lb was Keith Logan of Heriot AC. The two fish brought to the scales by Keith were each capped at 4lb. This was the second time that Keith had held the Champion of Champions trophy having also been the the Champion of Champions in 2021.

photo left:
Keith Logan (on the right)
receiving the trophy from sponsor
Dale Robertson of My Fishing Flies.
Keith received the first prize of £250 provided by McLanachlan Transport; a box of 170 flies presented by My Fishing Flies; a Snowbee voucher for 50% off and a gold medal. Keith started his day fishing over the shallow water markers where he picked up fish on a fab and two cormorants on a 12ft tip line. When the wind dropped away he moved to the cages where he took the remainder of his fish on dries.
In second place with 13 trout for 25lb 11.6oz was Greig Davie of Albacats. Greig received the second place prize of £100; a Snowbee voucher for 40% off, two whisky glasses provided by Glencairn Crystal and the silver medal. Greig took his fish in the cages where he was fishing two boobies on a di5.
Greig receiving his prizes
from sponsor Dale Robertson
of My Fishing Flies

In third place with 12 trout for 24lb 7.7oz was the Scotland team manager, Derek Keenan, of Saltire FF. It has been an outstanding few weeks for Derek returning to the Lake of Menteith where he lead the Scottish team to an overwhelming victory in the Autumn international in September. Derek started at Shear Point but quickly moved to the Lochend area where he picked up fish on cormorants on a midge tip line. Later in the day he switched to dries to pick up more fish. Derek received the third prize of £100, a Snowbee voucher for 30% off, two whisky glasses provided by Glencairn Crystal and the bronze medal.
photo: Derek receiving his prizes from sponsor Dale Robertson of My Fishing Flies
Throughout the Scottish Club Championship and the Champion of the Champions the competitors raise funds that will benefit the Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity. Donations, auctions and a raffle at the Champion of Champion presentation dinner raised £720.
The Scottish Club Championship committee wish to thank all of the sponsors that have provided support throughout the season also everyone who provided raffle prizes; the competitors who bought raffle tickets and donated regularly throughout the championships. The committee also wish to thank, Quint, Douglas and Connor for their patience and support over the six months that the championships ran.